Check In Form Your Name Your Email Your Phone Street City Zipcode Problem Description Price Options Carry-In ($200.00)Gaming Computer Diagnostics ($50.00) Protection Plan Protection plan includes 1 year of remote and carry-in service. No, I do not want a protection planYes, I do want a protection plan ($99.95) Backup Options Ok to reload operating system without dataBackup my data before reloading operating systemData Recovery Disposal Options Dispose of my computer if it's not repairable ($25.00/drive). Items Checked In: Make Serial Cords? YesNo Service Disclaimer: 30-day labor warranty on all work performed by Cowabunga! Computers. NO WARRANTY ON VIRUS REMOVALS. I authorize Cowabunga Computers technician(s) to perform work on my computer. Cowabunga! Computers may install software to remotely access the device to remedy any or all issues that may arise from the repair and diagnostics of the device. I understand that Cowabunga Computers technicians have been trained to perform computer hardware and software work, but Cowabunga Computers is not an authorized service dealer. Further, I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Cowabunga Computers from liability for any claims or damages of any kind or description that may arise from any computer work performed on my computer, unless it is caused by severe negligence of Cowabunga Computers or its technician(s). I understand that Cowabunga Computers is not responsible for any data loss, which may occur as a result of work done on my computer. Check here if you accept these terms. Submit